Countering Arguments for Atheism (Urdu)

On 22nd November 2016, I gave a talk at Darul-Uloom Karachi (in urdu) on the need to develop a new Ilmul Kalam — a discourse – to counter new arguments for atheism. Today, arguments against existence of God are being made aggressively, and form an important element of Western philosophy and education. These are, naturally, influencing minds of the Muslim youth all over the world. There are now very strong NEW arguments for the existence of God. Ironically, these arguments have been discovered by atheists while they searched for arguments for the NON-existence of God. Research on what they were hoping to prove led to results opposite of what they expected to find. These results need to be picked up and incorporated in order to protect the Muslim youth. For an ENGLISH article on this topic (based on different arguments) see: Does God Exist?

At the heart of the attraction of atheism lies an extraordinary respect for Western knowledge. So it is necessary to attack this idol as well – to explain how the entire structure of social sciences constructed in the West is built on wrong assumptions about the nature of human beings. I had hoped to write up my urdu lecture (linked below) in English, in a condensed form, but I have not had time to do so yet. So I am just attaching a link to the video recording of the lectures at Darul Uloom – I will try to provide an English version sometime later — if one of the blog readers can volunteer to translate the lecture into English, and provide me with the notes, I would appreciate it very much – It would help me to write it up in a better way. If someone wishes to do so, just indicate in a COMMENT on this post — that way there will be no duplication of efforts. You-Tube Videos of the talk at Darul Uloom (part 1: 60m) (part 2: 30m)

Above is first hour, and below is the final half hour segment

Finally, I provide a link to the full AUDIO file from my OneDrive Recording (The Need for a Jadeed Ilmul Kalam to Counter Atheism)( – this is the same lecture as above but in audio format only —

A writeup and summary of the arguments in URDU is given in the following document, written up by Moulana Yasir Ahmad Zeerak:

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About Asad Zaman

BS Math MIT (1974), Ph.D. Econ Stanford (1978)] has taught at leading universities like Columbia, U. Penn., Johns Hopkins and Cal. Tech. Currently he is Vice Chancellor of Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. His textbook Statistical Foundations of Econometric Techniques (Academic Press, NY, 1996) is widely used in advanced graduate courses. His research on Islamic economics is widely cited, and has been highly influential in shaping the field. His publications in top ranked journals like Annals of Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory, Journal of Labor Economics, etc. have more than a thousand citations as per Google Scholar.

6 thoughts on “Countering Arguments for Atheism (Urdu)

  1. Assalam o Alaikum
    Sir I would like to translate this lecture into English but I shall be able to start working on it after 20th September. Hope it is not too late.

  2. Part 1 – Up to 40 minutes:
    • Socially, we are involve in a big sin that is … (voice unclear)
    • Iqbal’s Verse
    • Need of time: Modern Ilm ul Kalam

    • We are not facing this issue first time.
    • Before Muslims faced this issue when Greek Sciences had to be encountered
    • Christianity faced heavy damage when it accepted Greek Sciences entering in it.
    • Greek Sciences had powerful impact back then
    • Today, Muslims face the same issue with Western Knowledge/Sciences.
    • For example: When Quran and Western Economics contradicted on a pointed, Some Muslim Economists accepted views of Western Economics and interpreted the Quranic views in an incorrect manner.

    • Introduction of Allah in First Relevation: Allamal insana ma lam ya lam (HE taught Man what the Man did not knew)

    • From this Knowledge Arabs became world leaders.

    • But today Muslims are confused = Will Quran give us world leadership/dominance? And in our actions as an Ummah, Muslims prefer gaining western knowledge to attain success. While everything to succeed lies in Quran.

    • If we could prove that Human lives are the most valuable then most students would have been studying Quran.

    • Non-Muslims even accept that Holy Prophet (PBUH) influenced and changed the whole world. BUT He (PBUH) and His message (Quran) was only meant for that specific period AND Sadly many of the Muslims are of the same view, that is, Western Knowledge is the important tool for us to succeed in this world.

    • Since long time, in our society western knowledge is being countered and rebutted. BUT problem is that it is being done without concrete knowledge. This leads to several issues (for e.g. they make mistakes and people are not convinced).
    • Western Knowledge is fraud and has several mistakes – These frauds are obvious now (for e.g. Global Financial Crisis).

    • First generation of Islamic Movements: Idealists. BUT could not bring sufficient changes in the society to bring Islamic System. So Second generation of Islamic Movement thought about practicalities (i.e. ground realities).

    • West has made it’s Deen Science. Hence, everyone there learns it.

    • Even in west education included Insaan-Sazi (How to behave, act, what are ethics, …) but slowly and gradually it was taken out of the syllabus. Because, their religion was weakening and these values can only be inculcated through religion.


    • Catholics and Protestants Blood Shed lead to dislike against religion leading to secularism, logic and focusing only on observable facts.

    • One of the group (Atheist) decided to completely take out the religion from our lives. This lead to 5 major questions. (1) How universe was created? (2) How should we live our lives? (3) How to drive different systems of our lives? (i.e. economic system, legal system, …) (4) (5) What is knowledge?

    • Western social sciences was developed to answer these questions. That’s why its foundations are wrong.

    • Now many of the claims of Social Sciences have been proven wrong which we are not aware of.

    • SO we need to learn Ilm ul Kalam to protect our youngsters from Atheistic ideas. Like Imam Ghazali did.

    • Sciences were studies to see the signs of Allah. And it proved the existence of Allah BUT gradually this was hidden to carry forward false aims of Sciences.

  3. Pingback: الحاد سے مقابلہ کے لیے جدید علم الکلام کی ضرورت – علم وتحقیق کی دنیا

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